In human justice systems, the innocent are
sometimes wrongly punished, while the wicked sometimes escape, or even prosper.
The greatest example of justice gone awry would have to be the arrest, trial,
and crucifixion of Jesus – the only truly innocent man who ever lived.
But Jesus’ death was only a great injustice in
one sense. In another, it was a perfect execution of justice against
sin by a righteous and holy God. In Jesus’ death, we see both justice and
injustice, love and wrath, righteous judgment and abounding mercy.
Chapter One: The Plot
to Kill Jesus
The Jewish people have often been blamed for
the murder of Jesus. While the Jews cannot escape their partial culpability,
there were many different people and factions that conspired together to bring
about Jesus’ death. The cross was a Roman invention and method of
execution, a sentence handed down by a Roman Governor. Judas, full of
jealousy and greed, had decided to betray his rabbi. But the human factions and
personalities were not the primary forces at work. The sovereign plan of God was
to make Jesus the sacrificial payment for sin.
The timing of the crucifixion was also of
great significance. Other attempts on Jesus’ life had been unsuccessful,
because it was not yet Jesus’ time to die. His death ultimately occurred at
Passover, when the sacrificial lambs were slain as atonement for sin. John 1:29
describes Christ as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”
Through the responsible factions and the timing involved, every detail of the
plot to kill Jesus demonstrates the sovereignty of God.
Chapter Two: The Last
At Passover, each Jewish family would have prepared
one unblemished lamb for sacrifice. MacArthur says that Jesus and his disciples
would have done this as well. But this final Passover meal that Jesus shared
with His disciples was of great significance, because it was the last one
sanctioned by God. This Passover would be the institution of a New Covenant.
When Jesus took the bread, saying, “this is my
body,” he was not indicating that the bread and wine would literally
become his body and blood. Rather, He was reminding his disciples that He was
the “bread of life.” His sacrifice would be the provision for their eternal life.
When Jesus took the cup, saying, “this is My blood,” he was teaching His
disciples that His blood signified a New Covenant.
At the conclusion of the supper, Jesus prayed
a beautiful prayer, recorded in John 17. In it, He prayed not only for his
disciples who were present, but for the entire future church. He asked the Father
for protection, sanctification, unity, and future glorification for all
Chapter Three: A
Warning Against Over-Confidence
When the disciples heard Jesus say that they
would deny him, they couldn’t bear the news. They all pledged their loyalty,
stating they would go to prison and even death with Jesus. MacArthur points out
that they were trusting in their own strength and determination. Jesus prayed that
their faith wouldn’t fail.
During the events of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion,
the disciples’ faith did falter, but they did not fall away. They went on to
lead the early church successfully, as bold and fearless leaders. They didn’t
shrink back from their own call to suffer – eventually facing persecution and
even death. We see a great example of this change in the disciples at
Pentecost, where their trust was fully in the Lord.
Chapter Four: The
Agony in the Garden
sometimes forget that while Jesus was fully divine, he was also fully human. MacArthur
reminds us that this perfect arrangement of one person and two natures is
critical for the One who is our Savior. He took on human form, was tempted as
we are, suffered as we suffer, and yet remained sinless. He also had to be
fully human in order to be a substitute for our atonement.
prayed that the Father would let “this cup” pass by. “The cup” was the wrath of
God poured out against sin. Jesus knew that the pain of crucifixion would not
be the only agony he would experience. Rather, the greatest pain in all of
history would be the tearing apart of the perfect relationship of the Father
and Son. Jesus ended his prayer with “Your will be done,” a beautiful
reflection of his submission to the Father’s will.
this determined obedience, Jesus would perfectly fulfill his part in God’s plan
to bring eternal life to those who trust Him.
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